Subfamily: Parvovirinae

Genus: Copiparvovirus


Distinguishing features

Viruses in genus Copiparvovirus share a major branch in the phylogenetic tree of subfamily Parvovirinae with the homotelomeric viruses in genera Dependoparvovirus, Erythroparvovirus and Tetraparvovirus (Figure 6B. Parvoviridae). Copiparvoviruses are distinguished by being monophyletic and by sequence identity criteria. However, because implemented alignment methods have changed since these identity guidelines were first adopted, less than 30% apparent identity in the NS1 amino acid sequence is now accepted to accommodate the founder porcine parvovirus 4 (PPV4) and bovine parvovirus 2 (BPV2) genomes. Most known viruses were identified in domestic cows or pigs using virus discovery approaches, and are relatively common, but it is not clear whether they are associated with disease. To date no viruses from this genus have been isolated and their molecular biology remains to be explored. 


See discussion under family description

Genome organization and replication

The genome structures and genetic organization of these viruses appear similar but detailed protein expression profiles have yet to be determined.  


See discussion under family description

Species demarcation criteria 

Viruses within a species are monophyletic and encode replication initiator proteins (called NS1 or Rep1, 68, or 78) that show >85% amino acid sequence identity. 

Related, unclassified viruses 

Virus name

Accession number

Virus abbreviation

porcine parvovirus 6






equine parvovirus-hepatitis



Virus names and virus abbreviations are not official ICTV designations.