This is the video of the March 2024 ICTV Webinar that provided information on the ICTV and our website.
On March 21, 2024 we held a webinar for people who would like to learn more about the ICTV, our website, and existing, new, and upcoming tools and features. It provided an overview of how the ICTV classifies viruses; how you can access current and historical taxonomic data from our website; how you can use our tools to search for your favorite virus; and how you can learn much more about any particular virus from the ICTV Reports.
Agenda: Webinar-Agenda-March-21-2024.pdf
Slides: ICTV-Webinar-Slides-March-21-2024.pdf
Questions & Answers: ICTV-Webinar-QA-March-21-2024.pdf