1966–1971 (ICNV)
- Officers:
- President:
- P. Wildy
- Vice-President:
- H. S. Ginsberg
- Business Secretary:
- J. Maurin
- Proposals Secretary:
- J. Brandes (1966-1968)
- V. Valenta (from 1969)
- President:
- Subcommittee Chairs:
- Viruses of Vertebrates:
- Sir Christopher Andrewes
- Viruses of Invertebrates:
- C. Vago
- Viruses of Plants:
- B. D. Harrison
- Viruses of Prokaryotes:
- D. E. Bradley
- Virus Data:
- A. J. Gibbs
- Viruses of Vertebrates:
- Elected members:
- Sir Christopher Andrewes (from 1968), D. E. Bradley, F. J. Fenner, S. Ya. Gaidamovich, A. J. Gibbs, B. d. Harrison (from 1968), A. Lwoff, J. L. Melnick, H. G. Pereira, C. Vago
1971–1975 (ICTV)
- Officers:
- President:
- F. J. Fenner
- Vice-President:
- H. S. Ginsberg
- Business Secretary:
- J. Maurin
- Proposals Secretary:
- V. Valenta
- President:
- Subcommittee Chars
- Viruses of Vertebrates:
- H. G. Pereira
- Viruses of Invertebrates:
- C. Vago
- Viruses of Plants:
- R. J. Shepherd
- Viruses of Prokaryotes:
- A. Eisenstark
- Virus Data:
- A. J. Gibb
- Viruses of Vertebrates:
- Elected members:
- H. Fraenkel-Conrat (from 1973), A. Lwof (1971-1973), K. Maramorosch, J. L. Melnick, E. Norrby, A. J. Rhodes, C. Vago, J. P. H. van der Want, V. M. Zhdanov
- Officers:
- President:
- R. E. F. Mathews
- Vice-President:
- H. G. Pereira
- Business Secretary:
- J. Maurin
- Proposals Secretary:
- V. Valenta
- President:
- Subcommittee Chairs:
- Viruses of Vertebrates:
- F. A. Murphy
- Viruses of Invertebrates:
- K. Aizawa
- Viruses of Fungi:
- M. Hollings
- Viruses of Plants:
- R. I. B. Francki
- Viruses of Prokaryotes:
- H.-W. Ackermann
- Virus Data:
- J. G. Atherto
- Viruses of Vertebrates:
- Elected members:
- A. Eisenstark, H. Fraenkel-Conrat, A. J. Gibbs, K. Maramorosch, E. Norrby, A. J. Rhodes, J. P. H. van der Want, V. M. Zhdanov
- Officers:
- President:
- R. E. F. Mathews
- Vice-President:
- H. G. Pereira
- Business Secretary:
- J. Maurin
- Proposals Secretary:
- V. Valenta
- President:
- Subcommittee Chairs:
- Viruses of Vertebrates:
- F. A. Murphy
- Viruses of Invertebrates:
- T. W. Tinsley
- Viruses of Fungi:
- M. Hollings
- Viruses of Plants:
- R. I. B. Francki
- Viruses of Prokaryotes:
- H.-W. Ackermann
- Virus Data:
- J. G. Atherton
- Viruses of Vertebrates:
- Elected members:
- M. Bergoin, F. Brown, A. Eisenstark, H. Fraenkel-Conrat, W. K. Joklik, J. F. Longworth, E. Norrby, J. P. H. van der Want
- Officers:
- President:
- F. Brown
- Vice-President:
- J. P. H. van der Want
- Business Secretary:
- J. Maurin
- Proposals Secretary:
- V. Valenta
- President:
- Subcommittee Chairs:
- Viruses of Vertebrates:
- D. W. Kingsbury
- Viruses of Invertebrates:
- J. F. Longworth
- Viruses of Fungi:
- K. W. Buck
- Viruses of Plants:
- R. I. Hamilton
- Viruses of Prokaryotes:
- A. Eisenstark
- Virus Data:
- P. Bachmann
- Viruses of Vertebrates:
- Elected members:
- M. .Bergoin, T. H. Graf, D. C. Kelly, M. B. Korolev, S. Matsumoto, J. A. Mayo, A. F. Murant, L. van Vloten-Doting
- Officers:
- President:
- F. Brown
- Vice-President:
- J. P. H. van der Want
- Business Secretary:
- J. Maurin
- Proposals Secretary:
- K. W. Buck
- President:
- Subcommittee Chairs:
- Viruses of Vertebrates:
- D. W. Kingsbury
- Viruses of Invertebrates:
- J. F. Longworth
- Viruses of Fungi:
- K. W. Buck
- Viruses of Plants:
- R. I. Kingsbury
- Viruses of Prokaryotes:
- A. Eisenstark
- Virus Data:
- J. C. Atherton
- Viruses of Vertebrates:
- Elected members:
- M. Bergoin, T. H. Graf, D. C. Kelly, M. B. Korolev, S. Matsumoto, A. F. Murant, L. van Vloten-Doting, D. W. Verwoerd
- Officers:
- President:
- R. I. B. Francki
- Vice-President:
- H.-W. Ackermann
- Business Secretary:
- K. W. Buck
- Proposals Secretary:
- C. Fauquet
- President:
- Subcommittee Chairs:
- Viruses of Vertebrates:
- D. H. L. Bishop
- Viruses of Invertebrates:
- M. D. Summers
- Viruses of Fungi:
- S. A. Ghabrial
- Viruses of Plants:
- G. P. Martelli
- Viruses of Prokaryotes:
- H.-W. Ackermann
- Virus Data:
- D. L. Knudson
- Viruses of Vertebrates:
- Elected members:
- P. Ahlquist, L. Berthiaume (From 1989), Y. Ghendon, B.M. Gorman, R. Granados, M.A. Mayo, D. Peters, J. M. Vlak, D.B. Willis (1987-1988)
- Officers:
- President:
- F. A. Murphy
- Vice-President:
- K. W. Buck
- Business Secretary:
- C. Fauquet
- Proposals Secretary:
- C. Pringle
- President:
- Subcommittee Chairs:
- Viruses of Vertebrates:
- D. H. L. Bishop
- Viruses of Invertebrates:
- M. D. Summers
- Viruses of Fungi:
- S. A. Ghabrial
- Viruses of Plants:
- G. P. Martelli
- Viruses of Prokaryotes:
- A. W. Jarvis
- Virus Data:
- A. J. Gibbs
- Viruses of Vertebrates:
- Elected members:
- H.-W. Ackermann, P. Ahlquist, L. Berthiaume, C. H. Calisher, R. Goldbach, J. K. Maniloff, M. A. Mayo, G. F. Rohrmann
- Officers:
- President:
- F. A. Murphy
- Vice-President:
- D. H. L. Bishop
- Business Secretary:
- C. Fauquet
- Proposals Secretary:
- C. Pringle
- President:
- Subcommittee Chairs:
- Viruses of Vertebrates:
- R. W. Compans
- Viruses of Invertebrates:
- E. B. Carstens
- Viruses of Fungi:
- R. B. Wickner
- Viruses of Plants:
- M. A. Mayo
- Viruses of Prokaryotes:
- J. Maniloff
- Virus Data:
- M. C. Horzinek
- Viruses of Vertebrates:
- Elected members:
- H.-W. Ackermann, G. Adam, L. Berthiaume, C. H. Calisher, R. Goldbach, J. E. Johnson, E. V. Koonin, G. P. Martelli
- Officers:
- President:
- M. H.V. Van Regenmortel
- Vice-President:
- D. H. L. Bishop
- Business Secretary:
- C. Fauquet
- Proposals Secretary:
- C. Pringle
- President:
- Subcommittee Chairs:
- Viruses of Vertebrates:
- M. K. Estes
- Viruses of Invertebrates:
- E. B. Carstens
- Viruses of Fungi:
- R. B. Wickner
- Viruses of Plants:
- M. A. Mayo
- Viruses of Prokaryotes:
- J. Maniloff
- Virus Data:
- M. C. Horzinek
- Viruses of Vertebrates:
- Elected members:
- G. Adam, D. H. Bamford, J. E. Johnson, E. V. Koonin, S. M. Lemon, D. J. McGeoch, G. P. Martelli, C. Ward
- Officers:
- President:
- M. H.V. Van Regenmortel
- Vice-President:
- J. K. Maniloff
- Business Secretary:
- C. M. Fauquet
- Proposals Secretary:
- M. A. Mayo
- President:
- Subcommittee Chairs:
- Viruses of Vertebrates:
- M. K. Estes
- Viruses of Invertebrates:
- L. A. Ball
- Viruses of Fungi:
- B. I. Hillman
- Viruses of Plants:
- A. A. Brunt
- Viruses of Prokaryotes:
- R. W. Hendrix
- Virus Data:
- A. J. Della-Porta
- Viruses of Vertebrates:
- Elected members:
- D. H. Bamford, l. Blaine, E. B. Carstens, A.-L. Haenni, S. M. Lemon, D. J. McGeoch, A. Palmenberg, C. Ward
- Officers:
- President:
- L.A. Ball
- Vice-President:
- J. K. Maniloff
- Business Secretary:
- C.M. Fauquet
- Proposals Secretary:
- M.A. Mayo
- President:
- Subcommittee Chairs:
- Viruses of Vertebrates:
- D. McGeoch
- Viruses of Invertebrates:
- J. M. Vlak
- Viruses of Fungi:
- B.I. Hillman
- Viruses of Plants:
- A. Brunt
- Viruses of Prokaryotes:
- R.W. Hendrix
- Virus Data:
- A.J. Della-Porta
- Viruses of Vertebrates:
- Elected members:
- L. Blaine, H. Brussow, E. Carstens, U. Desselberger, A.-L. Haenni, A.M.Q. King, A. Palmenberg, H.J. Vetten
- Officers:
- President:
- L.A. Ball
- Vice-President:
- E. Carstens
- Business Secretary:
- A.-L. Haenni
- Proposals Secretary:
- D. Fargette (2005-2006)
- Andrew King (from 2007)
- President:
- Subcommittee Chairs:
- Viruses of Vertebrates:
- D. McGeoch
- Viruses of Invertebrates:
- P. Christian
- Viruses of Fungi:
- J. van Etten
- Viruses of Plants:
- M.J. Adams
- Viruses of Prokaryotes:
- I. Molineux
- Virus Data:
- L. Blaine (2005-2006)
- Elliot Lefkowitz (from 2007)
- Viruses of Vertebrates:
- Elected members:
- A. Gorbalenya, A. Davison, J. Mackenzie, U. Desselberger, P. Krell, A.M.Q. King, C. Suttle, H.J. Vetten
- Officers:
- President:
- E. B. Carstens
- Vice-President:
- J. Mackenzie
- Business Secretary:
- A.-L. Haenni
- Proposals Secretary:
- A. King
- President:
- Subcommittee Chairs:
- Viruses of Vertebrates:
- A. Davison
- Viruses of Invertebrates:
- P. Krell
- Viruses of Fungi:
- J. van Etten
- Viruses of Plants:
- M. Adams
- Viruses of Prokaryotes:
- R. Lavigne
- Virus Data:
- E. Lefkowitz
- Viruses of Vertebrates:
- Elected members:
- A. Gorbalenya, N. J. Knowles, D. Prangishvili, K. Nagasaki, H. Sanfacon, H.S. Savithri, S. Siddell, C. Suttle
- Officers:
- President:
- E. B. Carstens
- Vice-President:
- A. Gorbalenya
- Business Secretary:
- M. Adams
- Proposals Secretary:
- A. King
- President:
- Subcommittee Chairs:
- Viruses of Vertebrates:
- A. Davison
- Viruses of Invertebrates:
- P. Krell
- Viruses of Fungi:
- S. Ghabrial
- Viruses of Plants:
- H. Sanfacon
- Viruses of Prokaryotes:
- R. Lavigne
- Virus Data:
- E. Lefkowitz
- Viruses of Vertebrates:
- Elected members:
- J. Kreuze, N. J. Knowles, D. Prangishvili, K. Nagasaki, D. Bamford, P. Simmonds, S. Siddell, M. Breitbart
- Officers:
- President:
- Andrew Davison
- Vice-President:
- Alexander Gorbalenya
- Business Secretary:
- Mike Adams
- Proposals Secretary:
- Andrew King
- Data Secretary:
- Elliot Lefkowitz
- President:
- Subcommittee Chairs:
- Animal DNA Viruses and Retroviruses:
- Balázs Harrach
- Animal dsRNA and ssRNA- Viruses:
- Stuart Siddell
- Animal ssRNA+ Viruses:
- Nick Knowles
- Bacterial Viruses:
- Andrew Kropinski
- Fungal and Protist Viruses:
- Max Nibert
- Plant Viruses:
- Hélène Sanfacon
- Animal DNA Viruses and Retroviruses:
- Elected members:
- F. Murilo Zerbini, Sead Sabanadzovic, Mart Krupovic, Robert Harrison, Jens Kuhn, Peter Simmonds, Arcady Mushegian, Arvind Varsani
- Officers:
- President:
- Andrew Davison
- Vice-President:
- Stuart Siddell
- Business Secretary:
- Arcady Mushegian
- Proposals Secretary:
- Andrew King (2017)
- Peter Walker (from 2018)
- Data Secretary:
- Elliot Lefkowitz
- President:
- Subcommittee Chairs:
- Animal DNA Viruses and Retroviruses:
- Balázs Harrach
- Animal dsRNA and ssRNA- Viruses:
- Jens Kuhn
- Animal ssRNA+ Viruses:
- Nick Knowles
- Bacterial Viruses:
- Andrew Kropinski
- Fungal and Protist Viruses:
- Peter Simmonds
- Plant Viruses:
- F. Murilo Zerbini
- Animal DNA Viruses and Retroviruses:
- Elected members:
- Bas Dutilh, Sead Sabanadzovic, Mart Krupovic, Robert Harrison, Sandra Junglen, Max Nibert, Luisa Rubino, Arvind Varsani
- Officers:
- President:
- F. Murilo Zerbini
- Vice-President; Editor-in-Chief ICTV Report
- Stuart Siddell
- Business Secretary:
- Arcady Mushegian
- Proposals Secretary:
- Peter Walker (2020 - 2022)
- Data Secretary:
- Elliot Lefkowitz
- President:
- Subcommittee Chairs:
- Animal DNA Viruses and Retroviruses:
- Arvind Varsani
- Animal dsRNA and ssRNA- Viruses:
- Jens Kuhn
- Animal ssRNA+ Viruses:
- Peter Simmonds
- Archaeal Viruses:
- Mart Krupovic
- Bacterial Viruses:
- Evelien Adriaenssens
- Fungal and Protist Viruses:
- Sejo Sabanadzovic
- Plant Viruses:
- Luisa Rubino
- Animal DNA Viruses and Retroviruses:
- Elected members:
- Bas Dutilh, Poliane Alfenas-Zerbini, María Laura García, Amy Lambert, Sandra Junglen, Małgorzata Łobocka, Hanna Oksanen, David Robertson, Nobuhiro Suzuki, Koenraad Van Doorslaer, Anne-Mieke Vandamme
- Officers:
- President:
- F. Murilo Zerbini
- Vice-President; Editor-in-Chief ICTV Report
- Evelien Adriaenssens
- Business Secretary:
- Hanna Oksanen
- Proposals Secretary:
- Peter Simmonds
- Data Secretary:
- Elliot Lefkowitz
- President:
- Subcommittee Chairs:
- Animal DNA Viruses and Retroviruses:
- Arvind Varsani
- Animal dsRNA and ssRNA- Viruses:
- Holly Hughes
- Animal ssRNA+ Viruses:
- Jens Kuhn
- Archaeal Viruses:
- Mart Krupovic
- Bacterial Viruses:
- Dann Turner
- Fungal and Protist Viruses:
- Sejo Sabanadzovic
- Plant Viruses:
- Luisa Rubino
- Animal DNA Viruses and Retroviruses:
- Elected members:
- Poliane Alfenas-Zerbini, Frank Aylward, Juliana Freitas-Astúa, Małgorzata Łobocka, Arcady Mushegian, Judit Pénzes, Alejandro Reyes, David Robertson, Simon Roux, Nobuhiro Suzuki, Koenraad Van Doorslaer