Hepeviridae Virus Isolate Classification

The Table below gives a summary of the current taxonomic structure of the family Hepeviridae as updated in Taxonomic Proposal 2021.001S.R.Hepeviridae, this being an update to the proposal of: Smith, D. B., Simmonds, P., Jameel, S., Emerson, S. U., Harrison, T. J., Meng, X.-J., Okamoto, H., Van der Poel, W. H. M. & Purdy, M. A. (2014). Consensus proposals for classification of the family Hepeviridae. J Gen Virol 95, 2223–32 and ratified by the ICTV.

GenusSpeciesGenotypePrototype/Reference StrainPredominant Host SpeciesGenBank Accession
Avihepevirus Avihepevirus magniiecur  F93-5077ChickenAY535004
ChirohepevirusChirohepevirus desmodi DesRot/Peru/API17_F_DrHEVBatMW249011
 Chirohepevirus eptesici BS7/GE/2009BatJQ001749
 Chirohepevirus rhinolophi Shanxi2013BatKJ562187
PaslahepevirusPaslahepevirus alci AlgSwe2012MooseKF951328
Paslahepevirus Paslahepevirus balayaniHEV-1BurmaHumanM73218
  HEV-3MengHuman, pig, rabbit, deer, mongooseAF082843
  HEV-4T1Human, pigAJ272108
  HEV-5JBOAR135-Shiz09Wild boarAB573435
  HEV-6wbJOY_06Wild boarAB602441
RocahepevirusRocahepevirus rattiHEV-C1R63RatGU345042
PiscihepevirusPiscihepevirus heenan  Heenan LakeTroutHQ731075

An alignment of concatenated ORF1 and ORF2 amino acid sequences of Hepeviridae species is available in FASTA and SSE formats.

Reference sequences for subtypes of Paslahepevirus balayani have been proposed are available on a separate page