
Genus: Betaendornavirus

Family: Endornaviridae

Genus: Betaendornavirus


Distinguishing features

Betaendornaviruses infect ascomycete fungi. They are characterized by having shorter genomes (<10.7 kb) than alphaendornaviruses, lack of a glucosyltransferase domain which is present in the majority of alphaendornaviruses, but all encode a methyltransferase (Figure 1. Betaendornavirus). Furthermore, studied members lack a site-specific nick near the 5′-end of the positive-sense strand. 


Genus: Alphaendornavirus

Family: Endornaviridae

Genus: Alphaendornavirus


Distinguishing features

Alphaendornaviruses infect plants, fungi and the oomycete Phytophthora sp. They are characterized by longer genomes (>11.9 kb) than those of genus Betaendornavirus and the majority code for a glucosyltransferase domain (Figure 1. Alphaendornavirus). A site-specific nick near the 5′-end of the positive-sense strand of the replicative form has been reported for several alphaendornaviruses. 


Genus: Nyfulvavirus

Family: Solinviviridae

Genus: Nyfulvavirus


Distinguishing features

The sole member of the only species in this genus infects ants and has a genome organisation characterised by a single major ORF. This contrasts with the genome organisation of Solenopsis invicta virus 3 (genus Invictavirus), which has two major ORFs with ribosomal frameshifting used to express the 3′ ORF.