Subfamily: Simarterivirinae

Genus: Iotaarterivirus


Distinguishing features

Kibale red-tailed guenon virus 1 (KRTGV-1), DeBrazza’s monkey arterivirus (DeMAV), Pebjah virus (PBJV) infect Old World cercopithecine primates and cause hemorrhagic disease in captive macaques and subclinical infection in wild African primates of the genus Cercopithecus (KRTGV-1, DeMAV). 


See discussion under family description

Genome organization and replication

See discussion under family description.


See discussion under family description.

Derivation of names 

Subgenus Debiartevirus: from DeBrazza’s monkey, the host of DeBrazza’s monkey arterivirus and the genus name Iotaarterivirus

Species Iotaarterivirus debrazmo: from the genus name and DeBrazza’s monkey arterivirus

Subgenus Kigiartevirus: from Kibale red-tailed guenon virus 1 and the genus name Iotaarterivirus

Species Iotaarterivirus kibreg 1: from the genus name and Kibale red-tailed guenon virus 1

Subgenus Peiartevirus: from Pebjah virus and the genus name Iotaarterivirus

Species Iotaarterivirus pejah: from the genus name and Pebjah virus

Species demarcation criteria

See “Subfamily, genus and species demarcation criteria” section on the family for species demarcation criteria which are universal for all subfamilies.