
Genus: Gammapartitivirus

Family: Partitiviridae

Genus: Gammapartitivirus


Distinguishing features

All known members of the genus Gammapartitivirus infect ascomycetous fungi. Gammapartitiviruses have two dsRNA segments that are believed to be individually encapsidated in separate particles. The genome is typically 3.13.4 kbp in total. 


Genus: Betapartitivirus

Family: Partitiviridae

Genus: Betapartitivirus


Distinguishing features

Members of the genus Betapartitivirus infect plants and fungi. Betapartitiviruses have two dsRNA segments that are believed to be individually encapsidated in separate particles, and genomes typically ranging from 4.34.8 kbp in total. 


Genus: Alphapartitivirus

Family: Partitiviridae

Genus: Alphapartitivirus


Distinguishing features

Members of the genus Alphapartitivirus infect plants, ascomycetous or basidiomycetous fungi. All members have two dsRNA segments of similar sizes that are individually encapsidated in separate particles. Alphapatitivirus genomes typically range from 3.6 to 3.9 kbp in total. 


References: Partitiviridae

References: Partitiviridae


Abou-Elnasr, M., Jones, A. & Mayo, M. (1985).  Detection of dsRNA in particles of vicia cryptic virus and in Vicia faba tissues and protoplasts. J Gen Virol 66, 2453-2460. 

Accotto, G. P. & Boccardo, G. (1986).  The coat proteins and nucleic acids of two beet cryptic viruses. J Gen Virol 67, 363-366.