
Genus: Ranavirus

Subfamily: Alphairidovirinae

Genus: Ranavirus


Distinguishing features

Ranaviruses infect one or more species within the classes Reptilia, Amphibia and Osteichthyes and cause systemic infections. Depending upon the virus and the age and health of the host, infections result in a variety of clinical signs such as internal organ hemorrhage, skin sloughing and external petechia. Among currently identified ranaviruses, sequence identity within the major capsid protein is approximately 70% or higher. 


Genus: Chloriridovirus

Subfamily: Betairidovirinae

Genus: Chloriridovirus


Distinguishing features

Historically, the larger virion size (180 nm compared to 120–130 nm) and the yellow-green iridescence of patently-infected larvae and purified viral pellets were used to distinguish members of the genus Chloriridovirus from those within the genus Iridovirus. Currently chloriridoviruses are distinguished from iridoviruses by phylogenetic analysis.