
Genus: Donvirus

Family: Kolmioviridae

Genus: Donvirus


Distinguishing features

Cát Tiên Odontotermes delta-like virus is the only classified donvirus. Donviruses infect fungus growing termites.


Virions are unknown.

Nucleic acid

Donvirus have non-segmented, negative-sense, covalently-closed circular RNA (cccRNA) genomes of about 1.7 kb with 60% GC content


Genus: Birfecvirus

Family: Lispiviridae

Genus: Birfecvirus


Distinguishing features

Members of the genus Birfecvirus are distinguished from members of other genera by their branching on phylogenetic tree constructed with the L-INS-i algorithm and inferred using ModelTest-NG and the LG substitution model, and by having a coding-complete RdRP amino acid sequence that is less than 50% identical to that of members of other genera in the family.