
Family: Turriviridae

Family: Turriviridae


Sydnie K. Chase and Jamie C. Snyder

The citation for this ICTV Report chapter is the summary to be published as Chase & Snyder (2024):

ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Turriviridae 2024, Journal of General Virology, (in press)

Corresponding author: Jamie C. Snyder (
Edited by: Mart Krupovic and Evelien Adriaenssens
Posted: May 2024


Etymology of Taxon Names

The taxon etymology page provides a list containing descriptions of the origins of ICTV taxon names starting at the rank of realm and going down to the rank of family. This information is derived from the proposals that were submitted when each taxon was created. Links to these proposals, links to ICTV report chapters, and links to publications (through PMIDs) are provided when available.


New Release:
Virus Metadata Resource

A new version of the Virus Metadata Resource (VMR) spreadsheet has been released (VMR_MSL38_v2.xlsx). This version, released on September 13, 2023, can be downloaded from This release reflects the taxonomic changes incorporated into the current 2022 virus taxonomy, MSL38. The ICTV chooses an exemplar virus for each species and the VMR provides a list of these exemplars.