Virion Properties

Virus Properties

The Virus Properties table provides a sortable, filterable table listing the properties of the viruses that belong to each ICTV family. Included are genome composition, organization, and size; virion shape, size, and if it is enveloped; and host range.



Virion Diagrams

Virion Diagrams

An updated set of diagrams of virion morphology arranged by host and genome type at the family level, are now available and are intended to give an overview of the diversity of known forms.


New Release:
Virus Metadata Resource

A new version of the Virus Metadata Resource (VMR) spreadsheet has been released (VMR_MSL39_v1.xlsx). This version, released on May  17, 2024, can be downloaded from This release reflects the taxonomic changes incorporated into the current 2023 virus taxonomy, MSL39. The ICTV chooses an exemplar virus for each species and the VMR provides a list of these exemplars.