Etymology of Taxon Names

The information below provides a list containing descriptions of the origins of ICTV taxon names starting at the rank of realm and going down to the rank of family. This information is derived from the proposals that were submitted when each taxon was created. Links to these proposals, links to ICTV report chapters, and links to publications (through PMIDs) are provided when available.

We thank Stuart Siddell for compiling this list of name origins. Etymological information for taxa below the rank of family, can be found in the relevant ICTV Online (10th) Report chapters. If you have any comments or corrections, please contact us by sending an email to

Please select the virus realm containing your taxa of interest:


Realm: Varidnaviria

Taxon: Laserviricetes; Rank: class; Proposal: 2019.003G.A.v1.Varidnaviria; ; ICTV Report: ; Reference:

from Serpentine Lake, Rottnest Island, Western Australia, Australia, where archaeal virus SH1, the first isolated virus of this taxon, was discovered; the suffix -viricetes for class taxa

Taxon: Halopanivirales; Rank: order; Proposal: 2019.003G.A.v1.Varidnaviria; ; ICTV Report: ; Reference:

from Haloarcula hispanica, the host of archaeal virus SH1, the founding member of this clade; the suffix -virales for order taxa

Taxon: Matsushitaviridae; Rank: family; Proposal: 2020.100B.R.Matsushitaviridae; ; ICTV Report: ; Reference:

to honour the Japanese virologist Isao Matsushita, who isolated Thermus phage IN93, a member of the family; the suffix -viridae for family taxa

Taxon: Simuloviridae; Rank: family; Proposal: 2020.151B.R.Simuloviridae; ; ICTV Report: Simuloviridae; Reference:

from the Latin simulo meaning "pretend", referring to the conclusion that genomes of the viruses in this family were first thought to be plasmids; the suffix -viridae for family taxa

Taxon: Sphaerolipoviridae; Rank: family; Proposal: 2013.001a-oB.A.v4.Sphaerolipoviridae; ; ICTV Report: Sphaerolipoviridae; Reference:

from the Latin sphaera, meaning “sphere” and the Ancient Greek λίπος (lípos), meaning “fat”, referring to virion morphology and the internal protein-rich membrane vesicle of viruses in the family; the suffix -viridae for family taxa

Realm: Unassigned

Taxon: Naldaviricetes; Rank: class; Proposal: 2020.006D.R.Naldaviricetes; ; ICTV Report: ; Reference:

from NALDV meaning "nuclear arthropod large DNA viruses; the suffix ‑viricetes for class taxa

Taxon: Lefavirales; Rank: order; Proposal: 2020.006D.R.Naldaviricetes; ; ICTV Report: ; Reference:

from “late expression factor”, referring to genes identified in a screen for ORFs required for, or supporting, late-phase baculovirus transcription; the suffix -virales for order taxa

Taxon: Baculoviridae; Rank: family; Proposal: Ratification 1975; ; ICTV Report: Baculoviridae; Reference: PMID: 16648963

from the Latin baculus, meaning “stick", referring to the morphology of virions of viruses in the family; the suffix ‑viridae for family taxa

Taxon: Hytrosaviridae; Rank: family; Proposal: 2009.001a-kI.A.v4.Hytrosaviridae; ; ICTV Report: Hytrosaviridae; Reference:

from the Ancient Greek ὑπέρ (hupér), meaning, “excessive” and τροφή (trophḗ), meaning “nourishment", and sialoadenitis, meaning salivary gland inflammation referring to the salivary gland hypertrophy in  hosts infected by viruses in the family; the suffix ‑viridae for family taxa

Taxon: Nudiviridae; Rank: family; Proposal: 2013.003a-kI.A.v1.Nudiviridae; ; ICTV Report: Nudiviridae; Reference:

from the Latin nudus, meaning "naked", part of a previously used name nudibaculovirus, describing viruses with rod-shaped nucleocapsids lacking a protein matrix such as polyhedrin or granulin; the suffix ‑viridae for family taxa

Taxon: Nimaviridae; Rank: family; Proposal: Ratification 2002a; ; ICTV Report: Nimaviridae; Reference: PMID: 30404800

from the Hebrew nima, meaning “thread”, referring to the thread- or tail-like polar extension (appendage) on virions of some viruses in the family; the suffix ‑viridae for family taxa

Taxon: Alphasatellitidae; Rank: family; Proposal:  2017.004P.A.v4.Alphasatellitidae; ; ICTV Report: ; Reference:

from the Ancient Greek ἄλφα (álpha), the first letter of the Greek alphabet and the Latin satellit, meaning "attendent", referring to mobile genetic elements that are dependent upon a helper virus to spread. The suffix -satelittidae is used for satelitte family taxa

Taxon: Ampullaviridae; Rank: family; Proposal: 2005.088B.04.Ampullaviridae; ; ICTV Report: Ampullaviridae; Reference:

from the Latin ampulla, meaning "bottle", referring to the unique bottle-shaped morphology of the virion; the suffix ‑viridae for family taxa

Taxon: Anelloviridae; Rank: family; Proposal: 2007.075a-xxV.v4.Anelloviridae; ; ICTV Report: ; Reference:

from the Latin anello, meaning "ring", referring to the circular nature of the DNA genome of viruses in the family; the suffix ‑viridae for family taxa

Taxon: Avsunviroidae; Rank: family; Proposal: Ratification 1998; ; ICTV Report: Avsunviroidae; Reference: PMID: 11050945

from a member of the family, Avocado sunblotch viroid, an infectious agent consisting only of naked RNA; the suffix -viroidae is used for viroid family taxa

Taxon: Bartogtaviriformidae; Rank: family; Proposal: 2022.001G.GTA_viriforms; ; ICTV Report: ; Reference:

from the host genus name Bartonella and gene transfer agent; the suffix -viriformidae is used for viriform family taxa

Taxon: Bicaudaviridae; Rank: family; Proposal: 2007.090-2B.Bicaudaviridae; ; ICTV Report: Bicaudaviridae; Reference:

from the Latin bi meaning "two"  and the Latin cauda meaning " tail", referring to the virion morhologlogy of viruses in the family; the suffix ‑viridae for family taxa

Taxon: Brachygtaviriformidae; Rank: family; Proposal: 2022.001G.GTA_viriforms; ; ICTV Report: ; Reference:

from the host genus name Brachyspira and gene transfer agent; the suffix -viriformidae is used for viriform family taxa

Taxon: Clavaviridae; Rank: family; Proposal: 2010.002a-gB.A.v2.Clavaviridae; ; ICTV Report: Clavaviridae; Reference:

from Latin clava, meaning "club" or "stick", referring to the rigid, bacilliform virion morphology of viruses in the family; the suffix ‑viridae for family taxa

Taxon: Fuselloviridae; Rank: family; Proposal: Ratification 1990; ; ICTV Report: Fuselloviridae; Reference: PMID: 7903037

from the Latin fusillo, meaning "little spindle", referring to the virion morphology of viruses in the family; the suffix ‑viridae for family taxa

Taxon: Globuloviridae; Rank: family; Proposal: 2005.081-3B.04.Globuloviridae; ; ICTV Report: Globuloviridae; Reference:

from the Latin globulus, meaning “small ball”, referring to the virion morphology of viruses in the family; the suffix ‑viridae for family taxa

Taxon: Guttaviridae; Rank: family; Proposal: 2003.177-178B Guttaviridae; ; ICTV Report: Guttaviridae; Reference:

from the Latin gutta, meaning "drop", referring to the droplet-shaped virion morphology of viruses in the family; the suffix ‑viridae for family taxa

Taxon: Halspiviridae; Rank: family; Proposal: 2019.059B.A.v1.Halspiviridae_1fam; ; ICTV Report: Halspiviridae; Reference:

from halophilic, referring to the halophilic archaeal hosts of viruses in the family and spindle-shaped, referring to virion morphology of viruses in the family; the suffix ‑viridae for family taxa

Taxon: Itzamnaviridae; Rank: family; Proposal: 2022.001A.Nakonvirales_Maximonvirales_Coyopavirales_3no; ; ICTV Report: ; Reference:

from Itzamna, Lord of the Heavens as well as night and day in the Mayan mythology; the suffix ‑viridae for family taxa; connection unclear

Taxon: Ovaliviridae; Rank: family; Proposal: 2018.104B.A.v1.Ovaliviridae; ; ICTV Report: Ovaliviridae; Reference:

from the Latin ovalis, meaning "egg shaped", referring to the virion capsid architechture of viruses in the family; the suffix ‑viridae for family taxa

Taxon: Plasmaviridae; Rank: family; Proposal: Ratification 1978; ; ICTV Report: Plasmaviridae; Reference: PMID: 2982026

from the Ancient Greek πλάσμα (plásma), meaning “something formed”,  referring to the plastic virion shape of viruses in the family; the suffix ‑viridae for family taxa

Taxon: Polydnaviriformidae; Rank: family; Proposal: 2021.006D.R.Polydnaviriformidae_1renfam_3rensp; ; ICTV Report: ; Reference:

from the Ancient Greek πολύς (polús), meaning “many" and DNA for deoxyribonucleic acid, referring to  the multiple segments of dsDNA genomes of agents in the family;  the suffix -viriformidae is used for viriform family taxa

Taxon: Portogloboviridae; Rank: family; Proposal:  2017.002B.A.v2.Portogloboviridae; ; ICTV Report: Portogloboviridae; Reference:

from the Latin portare, meaning ‘to carry’ and globus, meaning ‘a ball’, referring to the round shape of the nucleoprotein virion core of viruses in the family; the suffix ‑viridae for family taxa

Taxon: Pospiviroidae; Rank: family; Proposal: Ratification 1998; ; ICTV Report: Pospiviroidae; Reference: PMID: 9572562

from a member of the family, potato spindle tuber viroid, an infectious agent consisting only of naked RNA; the suffix -viroidae for viroid family taxa

Taxon: Rhodogtaviriformidae; Rank: family; Proposal: 2022.001G.GTA_viriforms; ; ICTV Report: ; Reference:

from the host order name Rhodobacterales and gene transfer agent;  the suffix -viriformidae is used for viriform family taxa

Taxon: Spiraviridae; Rank: family; Proposal:  2013.003a-gB.A.v3.Spiraviridae; ; ICTV Report: Spiraviridae; Reference:

from the Latin spira, meaning “coil”, referring to virion morphology of viruses in the family; the suffix ‑viridae for family taxa

Taxon: Thaspiviridae; Rank: family; Proposal: 2019.092B.A.v1.Thaspiviridae_1nfam; ; ICTV Report: Thaspiviridae; Reference:

from thaumarchaeal and spindle-shaped virus, referring to the host and virion morphology of viruses in the family; the suffix ‑viridae for family taxa

Taxon: Tolecusatellitidae; Rank: family; Proposal: 2016.021a-kP.A.v2.Tolecusatellitidae; ; ICTV Report: ; Reference:

from tomato leaf curl virus satellite, the first DNA satellite shown to be associated with geminiviruses and the Latin satellit, meaning "attendent", referring to mobile genetic elements that are dependent upon a helper virus to spread.  The suffix -satellitidae is used for satellite family taxa