
Citation: Simuloviridae

Citation: Simuloviridae

A summary of this ICTV Report chapter has ben published as an ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile article in the Journal of General Virology, and should be cited when referencing this online chapter as follows:

Ying Liu, Shishen Du, Xiangdong Chen, Mike Dyall-Smith, Matti Jalasvuori and Hanna M. Oksanen (2023): ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Simuloviridae 2023, Journal of General Virology (2023), 104, 001841


Genus: Alphapironavirus

Subfamily: Pitovirinae

Genus: Alphapironavirus


Distinguishing features

As only one genus is currently recognized, the genus description corresponds to the subfamily description. The only known host is a fish.

Subgenus demarcation criteria

Details correspond to the family descriptions.

Species demarcation criteria

Details correspond to the family descriptions.


Subfamily: Pitovirinae

Family: Coronaviridae

Subfamily: Pitovirinae


Distinguishing features

The subfamily Pitovirinae was established for the virus Pacific salmon nidovirus based on its low overall genome sequence identity with other coronaviruses despite conservation of the canonical replicase domains found in other members of the family Coronaviridae (Figure 1.Pitovirinae).