
Family: Adenoviridae

Family: Adenoviridae


Mária Benkő, Koki Aoki, Niklas Arnberg, Andrew J. Davison, Marcela Echavarría, Michael Hess, Morris S. Jones, Győző L. Kaján, Adriana E. Kajon, Suresh K. Mittal, Iva I. Podgorski, Carmen San Martín, Göran Wadell, Hidemi Watanabe and Balázs Harrach*


Genus: Yushanvirus

Subfamily: Nefertitivirinae

Genus: Yushanvirus


Distinguishing features

Members of this genus infect Shewanella putrefaciens. The non-redundant part of the genomes of viruses in this genus is, on average, 54.56 kbp (50.0 %G+C), with 68 gene coding sequences; no tRNAs are encoded. 


Genus: Pahsextavirus

Subfamily: Nefertitivirinae

Genus: Pahsextavirus


Distinguishing features

Members of the single species in this genus infect Aeromonas hydrophila. The first member of this genus to be isolated was Aeromonas phage pAh6-C. The non-redundant portion of its genome is 53.74 kbp (52.8 %G+C) with 86 gene coding sequences; no tRNAs are encoded. 


Genus: Suwonvirus

Subfamily: Cleopatravirinae

Genus: Suwonvirus


Distinguishing features

Members of this genus infect Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum. The first isolate to be described was Pectobacterium phage PM1. No terminal repeats have been reported for suwonvirus genomes. On average the genome of viruses belonging to this genus are 54.22 kbp (44.9 % G+C) and encode 71 proteins and 0–1 tRNAs.