The International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) has the task of developing a single, universal taxonomic scheme for all viruses irrespective of host. The Executive Committee coordinates a series of subcommittees and study groups that draw on the experience of a large number of virologists throughout the world and their collective efforts are represented by this Report.
Many sections of the Report rely heavily on the relevant sections of earlier ICTV Reports and we express our indebtedness to the work of earlier generations of virologists. We are deeply grateful to the many people who have contributed to this volume and have cooperated patiently with us in its production. This includes Chapter authors who are listed in the Contributors section of this Introduction and the Authors section of their respective contributions, as well as the Editors and Associate Editors who are listed in the Editors section of this Introduction.
For the Editors
Murilo F. Zerbini
President of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses