Family: Caliciviridae
Genus: Salovirus
Distinguishing features
The strains in this genus form a distinct clade within the family Caliciviridae (Figure 4. Caliciviridae). Viruses in this genus have only been detected in Atlantic salmon and belong to a single species, Nordland virus.
See discussion under family description.
Genome organization and replication
The genome is 7.4 kb and similar other calicivirus genera, predicted to contain two ORFs. ORF1 encode a polyprotein with a predicted molecular mass of 256.5 kDa which is posttranslationally cleaved into the non-structural proteins and VP1. ORF2 encodes VP2 with a predicted molecular mass of 13.1 kDa. ORF2 overlaps the stop codon of ORF1 by 178 nt with a -1 frameshift.
Saloviruses are novel caliciviruses that were isolated from heart tissue homogenate from Atlantic salmon with heart and skeletal muscle inflammation (Mikalsen et al., 2014). The virus has a high prevalence in farmed salmon and is found in fish suffering from several diseases and conditions and also in presumed healthy fish. After approximately 8 months (> 15 passages), the virus showed CPE in a fish (GF-1) cell line, and showed characteristic calicivirus-like particles by electron microscopy. The virus replicates in experimentally challenged salmon and causes a systemic infection.
Species demarcation criteria
Not defined as there is only one species in the genus.