Family: Caliciviridae

Genus: Bavovirus


Distinguishing features 

The strains in this genus form a distinct clade within the family Caliciviridae (Figure 4. Caliciviridae)


See discussion under family description

Genome organization and replication

See discussion under family description. The positive-sense, single-stranded RNA genome of the exemplar isolate of the type species Bavaria virus, Bavaria/DE/V0021/2004 consists of 7,908 nucleotides, excluding the poly-A tail. VP1 has an estimated molecular weight of 59.9 kDa, similar to other caliciviruses. VP2 has a calculated molecular weight of 30.4 kDa, which is the largest minor capsid protein among the currently classified caliciviruses. 


A novel calicivirus named Bavaria virus was detected by electron microscopy and by PCR-based methods in the intestinal contents collected in 2004 from five chickens at the age of 15 to 25 days from flocks in southern Germany (Bavaria) (Wolf et al., 2011) and in pooled farm samples from chickens in the Netherlands (Wolf et al., 2012). Association with diarrheal disease was not clearly established as some samples were from chickens without clinical symptoms. 

Species demarcation criteria

Not defined as there is only one species in the genus.