
Family: Filoviridae

Family: Filoviridae


Nadine Biedenkopf, Alexander Bukreyev, Kartik Chandran, Nicholas Di Paola, Pierre B. H. Formenty, Anthony Griffiths, Adam J. Hume, Elke Mühlberger, Sergey V. Netesov (Нетёсов Сергей Викторович), Gustavo Palacios, Janusz T. Pawęska, Sophie Smither, Ayato Takada (高田礼人), Victoria Wahl and Jens H. Kuhn

The citation for this ICTV Report chapter is the summary published as:


Genus: Emaravirus

Family: Fimoviridae

Genus: Emaravirus


Distinguishing features

Since only one genus is currently recognized, the genus description corresponds to that of the family description.

Species demarcation criteria

Species in the genus have previously been demarcated based upon the amino acid sequence of relevant gene products of RNA1 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase, RdRP), RNA2 (glycoprotein precursor, GP), and RNA3 (nucleocapsid protein, NP) differing by more than 25%.