
Genus: Chloriridovirus

Subfamily: Betairidovirinae

Genus: Chloriridovirus


Distinguishing features

Historically, the larger virion size (180 nm compared to 120–130 nm) and the yellow-green iridescence of patently-infected larvae and purified viral pellets were used to distinguish members of the genus Chloriridovirus from those within the genus Iridovirus. Currently chloriridoviruses are distinguished from iridoviruses by phylogenetic analysis. 


Genus: Corticovirus

Family: Corticoviridae

Genus: Corticovirus


Distinguishing features

Since only one genus is currently recognized, the genus description corresponds to the family description.

Species demarcation criteria

Members of the same species are more than 95% identical in nucleotide sequence.