
Citation: Jingchuvirales

Citation: Jingchuvirales


A summary of this ICTV Report chapter has been published as an ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile article in the Journal of General Virology, and should be cited when referencing this online chapter as follows:

Kuhn, J. H., Dheilly, N. M., Junglen, S., Paraskevopoulou, S., Shi, M., & Di Paola, N.  (2023) ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Jingchuvirales 2023, Journal of General Virology 104, 001924


Genus: Thriprhavirus

Subfamily: Alpharhabdovirinae

Genus: Thriprhavirus


Distinguishing features

Viruses assigned to the genus Thriprhavirus form a distinct monophyletic group based on well-supported Maximum Likelihood or Maximum Clade Credibility (MCC) trees inferred from complete L sequences. They have been detected in thrips (insects in the family Thripidae) and are most closely related to caligrhaviruses, which have been detected in sea lice.


Genus: Aobingvirus

Genus: Aobingvirus


Distinguishing features

The distinguishing features correspond to the family description.

Species demarcation criteria

Not applicable (this genus includes only one species).

The genus currently includes a single species. 95% overall genome sequence identity has been proposed for species demarcation, that being consistent with the classification of other bacterial and archaeal viruses in the class Caudoviricetes.