Family: Suolaviridae (Interim Report)

This is a summary page created by the ICTV Report Editors using information from associated Taxonomic Proposals and the Master Species List.

Edited by: Mart Krupovic
Posted: April 2023, updated December 2024


The family Suolaviridae includes dsDNA viruses that infect hyperhalophilic archaea of the genus Halorubrum (Table 1 Suolaviridae). The family Suolaviridae was established in 2022 (Master Species List 37).

Table 1 Suolaviridae. Characteristics of members of the family Suolaviridae.

ExampleHalorubrum tailed virus 28 (MZ334528), species Pormufvirus salinum, genus Pormufvirus
VirionIcosahedral capsid and a non-contractile helical tail (siphoviral morphology)
GenomeLinear dsDNA genome of 35 kbp (Figure 1 Suolaviridae)
Host rangehyperhalophilic archaea of the genus Halorubrum
TaxonomyRealm Duplodnaviria, kingdom Heunggongvirae, phylum Uroviricota, class Caudoviricetes: 1 genus and 1 species (Figure 2 Suolaviridae)
Suoloaviridae genome
Figure 1 Suolaviridae. Genome organisation of Halorubrum tailed virus 28, a member of the family Suolaviridae. Boxes indicate open reading frames as annotated on GenBank accession MZ334528.
Suolaviridae taxonomy
Figure 2 Suolaviridae. Taxonomy of the family Suolaviridae.

Derivation of name

Suolaviridae: from the Finnish word suola, for salt.