Family: Bicaudaviridae


David Prangishvili and Mart Krupovic

The citation for this ICTV Report chapter is the summary published as Prangishvili et al., (2018):
ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Bicaudaviridae, Journal of General Virology, 99: 864–865. 

Corresponding authors: David Prangishvili ( and Mart Krupovic (
Edited by: Andrew M. Kropinski and Stuart G. Siddell
Posted: May 2018
PDF: ICTV_Bicaudaviridae.pdf


The family Bicaudaviridae includes viruses that infect hyperthermophilic archaea in the genus Acidianus (Table 1 Bicaudaviridae). The circular double-stranded DNA genome of Acidianus two-tailed virus consists of 62,730 bp, and replication can be either lytic or lysogenic. The virions undergo unique extracellular morphogenesis. Virions are released from host cells as spindle-shaped particles, which subsequently develop long tails, one at each of the two pointed ends. The spindle-shaped morphology is unprecedented among viruses of bacteria and eukaryotes and represents a group of archaea-specific virion morphotypes. 

Table 1 Bicaudaviridae Characteristics of members of the family Bicaudaviridae. 

Typical memberAcidianus two-tailed virus (AJ888457), species Bicaudavirus pozzuoliense
VirionSpindle-shaped upon release (120 x 80 nm), subsequently developing two tails each of up to 400 nm in length
GenomeCircular dsDNA of 62,730 bp
ReplicationLytic or lysogenic
TranslationNot known
Host rangeHyperthermophilic archaea from the genus Acidianus
TaxonomyOne genus including a single species



Virions of Acidianus two-tailed virus (ATV) are released from host cells as spindle-shaped particles, about 120×80 nm, which subsequently develop two long tails, one at each of the two pointed ends (Table 1 Bicaudaviridae, Figure 1 Bicaudaviridae)  (Häring et al., 2005, Prangishvili et al., 2006). The tails are heterogeneous in length, reaching 400 nm. The tails have a tube-like structure with walls that are approximately 6 nm thick. The tube terminates with a narrow channel, which is 2 nm in width, and a terminal anchor-like structure formed by two furled filaments, each with a width of 4 nm. 

Figure 1 Bicaudaviridae.  Electron micrographs of different forms of Acidianus two-tailed virus. a, Virions in the infected cell culture at the late stage of tail development. b, extrusion of virions from an Acidianus convivator cell; c, virions in growing culture of infected A. convivator, two days post-infection; d, as for c, but purified by CsCl gradient centrifugation; e-h, as for d, but after incubation at 75°C for 2, 5, 6, and 7 days, respectively. Samples were negatively-stained with 3% uranyl acetate, except for b, which was platinum- shadowed. Bars: a-c, 0.5 µm; d-h, 0.1 µm (first published in (Häring et al., 2005)). 

Physicochemical and physical properties

Extracellular morphological development of the virion takes place specifically at temperatures above 75 °C, close to that of the natural habitat, and does not require the presence of the host cells, an exogenous energy source or specific co-factors. The average volume of the tailless virion is about 1.4 nm3, and that of the two-tailed virion 6.2 nm3. However, the total surface areas for the two types of virions are similar, about 6×103 nm2. The mechanism of ATV tail development is unknown. The buoyant density of ATV virions in CsCl is about 1.3 g cm-3

Nucleic acid

Virions of ATV contain one molecule of circular dsDNA of 62,730 bp, with a GC content of 41.2%. 


Protein patterns of tailless and two-tailed virions are identical. The virions carry 11 major structural proteins (90, 80, 70, 60, 48, 45, 34, 22, 16, 14 and 12 kDa; Table 2.Bicaudaviridae), five of which are modified at their N-termini. Several of the larger proteins are rich in coiled-coil or low complexity sequence domains, or both. The 80 kDa protein appears to be modified in the two-tailed but not in the tail-less virions (Prangishvili et al., 2006). High resolution structures of 32 and 14 kDa proteins have been solved by X-ray crystallography (Felisberto-Rodrigues et al., 2012, Goulet et al., 2010) and both display unique folds that are not observed in proteins of other classified viruses (Krupovic et al., 2018). The structural protein encoded by ORF140 (Table 2 Bicaudaviridae) is a paralog of the major capsid protein encoded by ORF131. It has been shown that the product of ORF140 acts as a global transcription repressor, which forms a high-affinity complex with the host RNA polymerase by binding inside the DNA-binding channel. This interaction counteracts the formation of transcription pre-initiation complexes in vitro and represses transcription initiation as well as elongation (Sheppard et al., 2016). However, the role of ORF140 in transcription regulation in vivo, as well as in virion assembly and structure, remain to be investigated. ATV structural proteins encoded by ORF387, ORF653 and ORF800 as well as the non-structural protein containing the von Willebrand factor type A domain (encoded by ORF618) have been shown to interact with the MoxR-like AAA+ ATPase, which is also a structural virion component (Scheele et al., 2011). It has been suggested that the latter group of proteins may constitute a chaperone system for extracellular tail development. 


No lipids were obtained from ATV virions after treatment with chloroform/methanol (1:1, vol/vol). 


Not known. Note that the virus encodes a putative glycosyltransferase. 

Genome organization and replication 

The ATV genome encodes 72 predicted proteins and carries four putative transposable elements (Figure 2. Bicaudaviridae, Table 2.Bicaudaviridae). Forty-three genes are predicted to produce leader-less transcripts and 35 genes are organized in 12 putative operons. Several genes may have been produced by gene duplication.  Besides structural virion proteins, the virus encodes several functionally diverse enzymes, including a putative integrase of the tyrosine recombinase superfamily, a glycosyltransferase, a ParB-like partitioning protein, a DNA repair photolyase, an acyltransferase and three distinct AAA+ ATPases. For two of the ATPases (ORF529 and ORF618), the activity has been demonstrated in vitro (Scheele et al., 2011, Erdmann et al., 2011). 

Figure 2 Bicaudaviridae.  Genome organization of Acidianus two-tailed virus showing location, sizes and transcriptional direction of the putative genes. Color-coded ORFs correspond to: red, virion proteins; black, transposable elements. ORFs shared with unclassified large spindle-shaped viruses are indicated with asterisks. 

Table 2 Bicaudaviridae Genome annotation of Acidianus two-tailed virus. 

Accession Number
Gene productFunction
ORF273YP_319833gp02Structural protein (PDB id: 4art)
ORF117YP_319837gp06Putative DNA-binding protein
ORF70YP_319838gp07Transcription regulator, winged helix-turn-helix (wHTH) domain
ORF409YP_319841gp10TnpB protein associated with IS200/IS605 transposons
ORF98aYP_319850gp19Transcription regulator, wHTH domain
ORF86YP_319855gp24RNA-binding Lsm/Hfq-like protein
ORF59bYP_319858gp27Transcription regulator, RHH domain
ORF189YP_319859gp28Transcription regulator, C2H2-type zinc finger
ORF60YP_319860gp29Transcription regulator, RHH domain
ORF187YP_319863gp32Structural protein
ORF326aYP_319864gp33Structural protein
ORF330YP_319865gp34Acyltransferase, peptidoglycan/LPS O-acetylase
ORF98bYP_319867gp36Transcription regulator, C2H2-type zinc finger
ORF457YP_319871gp40TnpB protein associated with IS200/IS605 transposons
ORF145YP_319873gp42Structural protein, paralog of the major structural protein; transcriptional repressor
ORF383aYP_319874gp43TnpB protein associated with IS200/IS605 transposons
ORF301YP_319875gp44DNA repair photolyase, radical SAM superfamily
ORF800YP_319879gp48Structural protein; tetratricopeptide repeat protein
ORF567YP_319880gp49Structural protein
ORF529YP_319884gp53AAA+ ATPase
ORF286YP_319886gp55DnaA-like AAA+ ATPase
ORF653YP_319888gp57Structural protein
ORF104bYP_319890gp59Structural protein
ORF892YP_319892gp61von Willebrand factor type A (vWA) domain
ORF131YP_319893gp62Major structural protein (PDB id: 3faj)
ORF387YP_319894gp63Structural protein
ORF618YP_319897gp66Structural protein; MoxR-like AAA+ ATPase
ORF545YP_319898gp67Glycosyltransferase, mannosyltransferase
ORF383bYP_319899gp68TnpB protein associated with IS200/IS605 transposons
ORF326bYP_319901gp70ParB-like partitioning protein
ORF241YP_319903gp72Integrase, tyrosine recombinase superfamily 


The virus was isolated from a hot acidic spring (87–93 °C, pH 1.5–2.0) in Pozzuoli, Italy. The host range is limited to autochthonous species of hyperthermophilic archaea from the genus Acidianus.  Infection leads either to viral replication and subsequent cell lysis or conversion of infected cell into a lysogen. The lysogenic cycle involves integration of the viral genome into the host chromosome, probably facilitated by a virus-encoded integrase. The lysogeny can be interrupted by stress factors, e.g. UV-irradiation or a decrease in temperature. The virus does not encode identifiable DNA and RNA polymerases and is likely to depend on the host machineries for genome replication and transcription. 

Derivation of names

Bicauda: from Latin bi, “two”, and cauda, “tail”. 

Relationships within the family

Putative relatives, sharing a considerable fraction of genes with the bicaudavirus ATV (Figure 2. Bicaudaviridae) have been described, but remain unclassified. These include Acidianus tailed spindle virus (Hochstein et al., 2016), Sulfolobus tengchongensis spindle-shaped virus 1 (Xiang et al., 2005), Sulfolobus tengchongensis spindle-shaped virus 2 (Erdmann et al., 2014) as well as Sulfolobus monocaudaviruses 1 (Erdmann et al., 2013), 2, 3 and 4 (Gudbergsdóttir et al., 2016). Similar to ATV, Sulfolobus monocaudavirus 1 was reported to develop one or two tails extracellularly (Uldahl et al., 2016). By contrast, the other unclassified viruses contain a single long tail, which appears to develop intracellularly. In the future, these viruses are likely to be classified into new genera within the family Bicaudaviridae (Krupovic et al., 2014). 

Relationships with other taxa

Bicaudaviruses encode a conserved DnaA-like AAA+ ATPase, which is shared with members of the archaeal virus families Fuselloviridae (Iranzo et al., 2016) and Guttaviridae (Prangishvili et al., 2018), suggesting that the three groups of viruses might be evolutionarily related. 

Related, unclassified viruses 

Virus nameAccession numberVirus abbreviation
Sulfolobus monocaudavirus 1HG322870SMV1
Sulfolobus monocaudavirus 2KP238129SMV2
Sulfolobus monocaudavirus 3KP282677SMV3
Sulfolobus monocaudavirus 4KP282678SMV4
Acidianus tailed spindle virusKU645528ATSV
Sulfolobus tengchongensis spindle-shaped virus 1AJ783769STSV1
Sulfolobus tengchongensis spindle-shaped virus 2JQ287645STSV2

Virus names and virus abbreviations are not official ICTV designations.