Family: Anicreviridae (Interim Report)

This is a summary page created by the ICTV Report Editors using information from associated Taxonomic Proposals and the Master Species List.

Edited by: Arvind Varsani
Posted: December 2024


The family Anicreviridae includes ssDNA(+/-) viruses of invertebrates and vertebrates (Table 1 Anicreviridae). The family Anicreviridae was established in 2024 (Master Species List #39).

Table 1 Anicreviridae. Characteristics of members of the family Anicreviridae.

ExampleCyanoramphus nest associated circular X DNA virus (JX908739), species Kopavirus kakawais, genus Kopavirus
GenomessDNA(+/-), 1 circular segment, 1.9–2.5 kb (Figure 1 Anicreviridae)
ReplicationRolling-circle, SF3 helicase
Host rangeInvertebrates, vertebrates
TaxonomyRealm Monodnaviria, kingdom Shotokuvirae, phylum Cressdnaviricota, class Arfiviricetes, order Mulpavirales: 9 genera, 9 species (Figure 2 Anicreviridae)
Anicreviridae genome
Figure 1 Anicreviridae. Genome organisation of Cyanoramphus nest associated circular X DNA virus, a member of the family Anicreviridae. Boxes indicate open reading frames as annotated on GenBank accession JX908739.
Anicreviridae taxonomy
Figure 2 Anicreviridae. Taxonomy of the family Anicreviridae.

Derivation of names

Anicreviridae: from animal associated, referring to the source and CRESS, referring to circular Rep-encoding ssDNA viruses; the suffix viridae for family taxa

Baranavirus: from the Garifuna barana, meaning ocean

Ketkevirus: from the Sencoteen (Saanich Dialect) - ketkećole, meaning spider

Kopavirus: from the Maori kopa, meaning fly

Manawavirus: from the Maori manawa, meaning oasis

Otevirus: from the Muscogee ote, meaning beach

Patavirus: from the Maori pata, meaning a drop of water

Pekavirus: from the Tongan peka, meaning flying fox

Rakkovirus: from the Muscogee uehvtkvrakko, meaning ocean

Uewvirus: from the Muscogee uewv, meaning water