Family: Adamaviridae (Interim Report)

This is a summary page created by the ICTV Report Editors using information from associated Taxonomic Proposals and the Master Species List.

Edited by: Arvind Varsani
Posted: December 2024


The family Adamaviridae includes ssDNA(+/-) viruses of invertebrates and vertebrates (Table 1 Adamaviridae). The family Adamaviridae was established in 2024 (Master Species List #39).

Table 1 Adamaviridae. Characteristics of members of the family Adamaviridae.

Examplecircovirus-like genome CB-A (FJ959082), species Harfovirus londae, genus Harfovirus
GenomessDNA(+/-), 1–3 circular segments, 1.7–4.1 kb (Figure 1 Adamaviridae)
ReplicationRolling-circle, SF3 helicase
Host rangeInvertebrates, vertebrates
TaxonomyRealm Monodnaviria, kingdom Shotokuvirae, phylum Cressdnaviricota, class Arfiviricetes, order Rohanvirales: 18 genera, 22 species (Figure 2 Adamaviridae)
Adamaviridae genome
Figure 1 Adamaviridae. Genome organisation of circovirus-like genome CB-A, a member of the family Adamaviridae. Boxes indicate open reading frames as annotated on GenBank accession FJ959082.
Adamaviridae taxomomy
Figure 2 Adamaviridae. Taxonomy of the family Adamaviridae.

Derivation of names

(the family and genus names derive from JR Tolkein’s Middle-earth novels)

Adamaviridae: from the Ring of Adamant (also called the Ring of Nenya in the fictional novels of JR Tolkein); adamant was a mythical stone with impenetrable hardness; the suffix viridae for family . Connection unclear

Andorivirus: from Andor, the "The Land of Gift" in the novel Silmarillion

Caradhivirus: from Caradhras, a peak in the misty mountains of Middle-earth

Celebovirus: from Celebrimbor, the craftsman who forged the rings of power

Dolmedivirus: from Mount Dolmed, a mountain at the far west of Eriador

Enedivirus: from Enedwaith, the region of Middle-earth between Arnor and Gondor

Harfovirus: from Harfoot, a lineage of Hobbits

Moriavirus: from Moria, a dwarvish city

Nimlovirus: from Nimloth, the White Tree in the King's Court in Armenelos

Nurnevirus: from the Sea of Nurnen, a large inland body of water in Mordor

Pelorivirus: from Pelóri, a mountain range in Aman

Stoorivirus: from Stoor, a lineage of Hobbits

Taravirus: from Taras, a mountain in Nevrast

Telperivirus: from Telperion, the elder of the Two Trees of Valinor

Tharbavirus: from Tharbad: town near the southern edge of Eriaodr in Middle-earth

Ulwavirus: from Ulwarth: son of Ulfang the Black

Valarivirus: from Valar, spirit Powers of Arda who shaped and rule the world

Vanyarvirus: from Vanyar, the first host of the Eldar

Zirakzivirus: from Zirakzigil, one of the Mountains of Moria