National Society Members
National Members of the ICTV are nominated by Member Societies of the Virology Division of the IUMS. Societies belonging to the IUMS are considered to be Member Societies of the Division if they have members actively interested in virology.
Name | Country |
Romanowski, Victor | Argentina |
Spann, Kirsten | Australia |
Puchhammer-Stöckl, Elisabeth | Austria |
Rahman, A. S. M. | Bangladesh |
Arruda, Luciana | Brazil |
Lang, Andrew | Canada |
Valiente-Echeverria, Fernando | Chile |
Shao, Yiming | China |
Rodas, Juan David | Colombia |
Skoric, Dijana | Croatia |
Guzman, Maria G. | Cuba |
Ruzek, Daniel | Czech Republic |
Lassaunière, Ria | Denmark |
Mäkinen, Kristiina | Finland |
Andreoletti, Laurent | France |
Junglen, Sandra | Germany |
Benkö, Mária | Hungary |
Ferenc, Jakab | Hungary |
Helgadóttir, M. Linda | Iceland |
Malik, Yashpal Singh | India |
Parolin, Maria Cristina | Italy |
Takasaki, Tomohiko | Japan |
Jeong, Yong Seok | Korea |
Thapa, Santosh | Nepal |
Wiertz, Emmanuel | Netherlands |
Ward, Vernon | New Zealand |
Sule, Waidi Folorunso | Nigeria |
Rinaldo, Christine | Norway |
Gut, Włodzimierz | Poland |
Simas, Pedro | Portugal |
Ruta, Simona-Maria | Romania |
Chu, Justin | Singapore |
Avsic-Zupanc, Tatjana | Slovenia |
Rey, Chrissie | South Africa |
Bosch, Albert | Spain |
Wadell, Göran | Sweden |
Hangartner, Lars | Switzerland |
Kao, Chuan-Liang | Taiwan |
Bozkaya, Emel | Turkey |
Gompels, Ursula | UK |
Roossinck, Marilyn J. | USA |
Monze, Mwaka A. | Zambia |