Family: Ungulaviridae (interim Report)

This is a summary page created by the ICTV Report Editors using information from associated Taxonomic Proposals and the Master Species List.

Edited by: Mart Krupovic
Posted: April 2023


The family Ungulaviridae includes dsDNA viruses infecting hyperthermophilic archaea of the genus Acidianus (Table 1.Ungulaviridae). The family was assigned to the realm Adnaviria in 2022 (Master Species List 37).

Table 1.Ungulaviridae. Characteristics of members of the family Ungulaviridae.

ExampleAcidianus filamentous virus 1 (AJ567472), species Captovirus AFV1, genus Captovirus
VirionFilamentous, flexible enveloped particle consisting of a nucleoprotein core with heterodimeric major capsid proteins, terminal claw-like structures
GenomeLinear, double-stranded DNA genome of 20 kbp
Host rangeHyperthermophilic archaea of the genus Acidianus
TaxonomyRealm Adnaviria, kingdom Zilligvirae, phylum Taleaviricota, class Tokiviricetes, order Ligamenvirales: 1 genus and 1 species
Ungulaviridae genome
Figure 1.Ungulaviridae. Genome organisation of a member of the family Ungulaviridae. Boxes indicate open reading frames as annotated on GenBank accession AJ567472.
Ungulaviridae taxonomy
Figure 2.Ungulaviridae. Relationships of the taxa connected to the family Ungulaviridae.

Derivation of name

Ungulaviridae: from the Latin ungula, meaning "claw".