Family: Narnaviridae (Interim Report)

This is a summary page created by the ICTV Report Editors using information from associated Taxonomic Proposals and the Master Species List.

Edited by: Sead Sabanadzovic
Posted: February 2025


The family Narnaviridae includes RNA(+) viruses of fungi (Table 1 Narnaviridae). The genome of 2.5–2.9 kb has one ORF encoding an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP).The family Narnaviridae was established in 1998 (Master Species List #17).

Table 1 Narnaviridae. Characteristics of members of the family Narnaviridae.

ExampleSaccharomyces 20S RNA narnavirus (AF039063), species Narnavirus saccharominor, genus Narnavirus
VirionNo virion or structural proteins. Genomes are associated with RdRP in the cytoplasm
GenomeRNA(+), monocistronic, not polyadenylated (Figure 1 Narnaviridae)
ReplicationCytoplasmic, involves dsRNA
TranslationNot known
Host rangeFungi, yeast
TaxonomyRealm Riboviria, kingdom Orthornavirae, phylum Lenarviricota, class Amabiliviricetes, order Wolframvirales: 1 genus and 2 species (Figure 2 Narnaviridae)


Narnaviridae genome
Figure 1 Narnaviridae. Genome organisation of Saccharomyces 20S RNA narnavirus, a member of the family Narnaviridae. Boxes indicate open reading frames as annotated on GenBank accession AF039063.
Narnaviridae taxonomy
Figure 2 Narnaviridae. Taxonomy of the family Narnaviridae.

Derivation of names

Narnaviridae, Narnavirus: from naked and RNA for ribonucleic acid, referring to the fact that viruses of the family have no true virion; the suffix -viridae for family taxa and -virus for genus taxa